Monday, October 1, 2007

Beware of your thoughts as they become your words

Beware of your thoughts as they become your words.

Beware of your words as they become your actions.

Beware of your actions as they become your habits.

Beware of your habits as they become your fate.

- Tao


Elaine said...

And to go a bit deeper,

Beware of your environs for they affect your sensitivities,
Beware of your sensitivities for they become your feelings,
Beware of your feelings for they become your thoughts,
Beware of your thoughts for they become your words,
Beware of your words for they become your actions,
Beware of your actions for they become your habits,
Beware of your habits for they become your character,
Beware of your character for it becomes your destiny.
-my personal interpretation

Trixie Racer said...

That was a great interpretation. Thank you! :)