Friday, December 21, 2007

Taking things for granted...

Do we ever make enough time for those around us? Those we truly love and care about? Do we tell our significant other how much them just being there means to us? Does the thought of life without that person feel like life wasted? Work, careers, money, bills, social obligations are all reasons we use for not taking the time for what matters most, the other person in your life. If you lost your job would he or she still be by your side? If you decided to change career paths would he or she support your decision? If you had to take a pay reduction would he or she stand by you and help figure out how to deal?

We all make excuses for mistakes, missed opportunities, for wasted days gone by. The sad thing about that is we can never recapture that day. We can't take back words or actions once we've uttered a nasty remark or done something hurtful to the ones we love...memories of the choices we have made are all we have at the end of each and every day. If I had it to do over there would never be a day that went by that you didn't know how much I loved you, how much you meant to me, what a special and truly unique person you were and are. Embraced everything about you, let the little things slide and focus on the bigger picture, us. These things sound so easy, would take so little time, but now that you are not around there are only regrets for things left unsaid, undone, promises not kept, someone I loved taken for granted that they would always be there no matter what...if you read this I hope you'll call.

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1 comment:

Chart Smart said...

NICE Blog :)