Thursday, March 13, 2008

Who Do You Love?

L O V E -- L O V E -- L O V E -- L O V E -- LOVE 4 SELF?

--Who do you love?

--I mean, who do you really love?

Your mom, perhaps. Your dad. Maybe your dog. A sibling. Your friends. A partner. Your children.

Our lives are filled with important relationships.

Yet it never ceases to amaze me how many people completely ignore the most important relationship of all. The relationship with the one person guaranteed to be with them for the rest of their lives.


That includes "ME", by the way... I forget my inner-relationship all the time because I'm too caught up in helping others. And the inner-turbulence I experience from that could shake a baby to death.

budda said: "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love & affection."

So, why not consciously make the decision today to simply give yourself some love and affection - for absolutely no reason at all?

Literally no reason. Just do it because it's a smart thing to do.

Sit down - and for ten minutes or so, praise yourself, be nice to yourself, let go of "attachments" to arguments and issues.

Stop beating yourself up for being such a bad person. Stop slapping yourself every time you do that thing wrong again.

Just give yourself some love, some approval, some affection - simply because you can.

Let me tell you something.

I've made some crazy decisions in my life just because I haven't loved myself enough. Decisions that have literally changed my entire path, simply because I didn't care enough about this one most important relationship.

It's said: "If I am not for myself, who will be?"

Make the decision to be your own biggest fan, starting today.

And take time out to really give yourself the love and approval needed to make that happen.

Just for fun.

Try it out. And see what happens.

"I never loved another person the way I loved myself." - Mae West

Remember, to start your day off right by loving yourself and giving yourself the biggest hug (Just don't molest yourself). Hope this helps.

Cheers to the best day of your life.

--Rob (of

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